Cloudy With a Chance of FUN!
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was one of my favorite childhood books, and I've always wanted to use it with a weather unit. As our weather unit was approaching, it was time for a change! On the Sunday before starting our weather unit, Adam helped me to make some huge clouds to hang in my classroom. It took some time, but it was definitely worth it! The kids were so intrigued as they walked in on Monday! We started the week learning all about different types of clouds. We read lots of nonfiction text and worked through some nonfiction text features. Then, we did our phonics lesson with shaving cream to represent clouds. It always amazes me how such a simple change in a lesson gets the kids so engaged and involved! As the day went on, we dug a lot deeper into our nonfiction text and did some cloud writing. Later, we did an experiment showing part of the water cycle. At the end of the day, I read the beginning of Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs . After reading the pag...