Keep It Positive for Parents!

If you're on the same schedule as our school, you're probably getting close to another round of Parent-Teacher Conferences.  We both love P/T Conference time as it gives us a chance to share all of the wonderful things the kiddos in our classes have been doing.  Seeing the parents smile when they see their child's progress is our favorite part!  It's such an important part too.  Too often conferences or meetings are called because something needs to be discussed, which is why, no matter what topic is being discussed, it's important to start every meeting off on a positive note!  That's why the word "progress" is such a powerful word.  In most assessments there is an end goal or a growth goal that is set for the children.  Depending on whether or not they met such a goal, they'll get a rating that could mean many different things.  Those ratings sometimes come across as negative when read by parents.  So, what if instead of focusing on that computer-set goal, why not focus on the progress the child has made?  We'll be the first to admit that at the most recent time of testing not all of our students met the goal set for them by the testing system.  BUT, every single one of our students did show progress!  Any time you can show the parents that growth has been made and focus on those things first, it makes sharing the areas of need easier.  For this, and many other reasons, we both love using ESGI for our assessments and reporting to parents!  ESGI not only lays out exactly what the child knows or doesn't know, but it gives the parents ALL the information for what needs to be worked on at home!  With the ability to print flash cards and an extremely detailed report card, parents will leave your conferences feeling a sense of ease knowing exactly what they can do to help their children at home!  So let's sum up the easy ways to have a successful P/T Conference night!
1. Use ESGI for all your assessment needs!  Click the banner on the right for your FREE 60 day trial and to save yourself some money on your first year!
2. Begin your conference with the positives!  No matter what "level" children are at, you can always find progress in their abilities throughout the year!
3. Share ideas for at-home help!  Sometimes, parents don't know what to do to help their children at home.  Make sure they leave the conference feeling confident in helping their own children.

Have a great weekend and an awesome week in your classroom!
-Adam and Trisha


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