Change...Will Do You Good!

2018 has definitely been a year of ups and downs for us at the Peterson household. We've experienced a ton of change this year, both positive and negative, and each experience has reminded us how much we have to be thankful for! The changes started to hit hard when I (Adam) made the decision to leave the classroom after 13 years in the same Kindergarten room. This was a decision that brought us closer together as we hashed out every possible (good and bad) situation through many late night talks, number crunching, and discussions with family and friends. In the end, taking this leap of faith prevailed, and I have been lucky to create some awesome relationships with teachers across the country through my workshops and social media outlets. While never questioning the decision, there was one conversation that proved to me that the decision I made was definitely the right one. In August, I was speaking to the Cleveland Metro School District Pre-K teache...