Let's Try This Again...

Hey there!  Adam here...

Gosh, it seems like FOR-EV-ER since we've posted on this blog.  Well, we've been crazy busy living life, enjoying our family, traveling (me), and teaching (Trisha).  We have been getting amazing comments on pictures and posts and thought it would be well worth it to start these posts up again for all of you who enjoyed reading them so far!  Nothing too fancy in this one, except a little video I'm sharing with you about an awesome promotion, but this little post is serving as our way of letting you know we haven't stopped our mission to help teachers!  Our friends at ESGI are helping teachers every single day, but right now they're helping children in need as well!  Take a look at this video, then head over to esgisoftware.com and use the promo code GOODNIGHTADAM to get all the amazing stuff I mentioned in the video!
Watch the video here:


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